My lunch options are probably not that limited in comparison to other people's, but of course, we all get sick of the same old haunts. I keep thinking that if I read bento blogs, I will get my ass in gear, but that has not been the case so far. Most days, I like to leave the office and get some air, so I am not crazy about eating at my desk (although now, I am having flashbacks of last year's holiday season when I was determined to save money, which had good results, but it was painful blur of Lean Cuisines. Don't know if I'll do this again this year, but I do love small-term challenges).
Anyway, my question is: what do you eat for lunch during the work/school week? I love the minutiae of daily life, so please share!
We rarely eat at restaraunts anymore. This economy has put a crimp in our dining habits. I cook. And usually what I make for dinner, morphs into lunch for the four of us the next day. We are saving over $1000.00 a month doing bento and packing instead of buying! Once you start collecting the cute little boxes, it becomes addictive!
I actually have a small bento box from a couple years ago when I was packing lunch here and there. Maybe I'll dig that out from my pantry as I had a particularly low lunch moment today with a very drab "szechuan" shrimp Lean Cuisine today. :P
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